Welcome back Champions! Tommy of Titan back again with a closer look at what cards might be really interesting for the exciting new hero, Spider-Woman. Let’s start by taking a look at this new hero.

Now admittedly, we know very little about this hero. We know everything about the identity cards, and we’ve seen 1 and a half cards from her signature set. Outside of that, we also know that 8 of the cards in her signature set will be aspect cards specific to her. That last little bit of information is extremely interesting since it will allow you to occasionally get a third boost to your stats, or maybe even a fourth if you’re living the dream.
So what are we looking for in aspect cards to play with Spider-Woman? Well I think what we need are cards that are cheap, and find a way to interact with her stats. That would include anything that has the ability to ready her so that she can attack, thwart, or defend again. Another thing that is always good to have in any deck are cards that allow you to draw more cards. Lastly, cheap events are great too. Event cards eventually go back into your deck so that you can get your stat boost again later.
Here we go. The top 5 cards I’m most excited to use with Spider-Woman are:
Number 1:

Cheap, and it readies Spider-Woman. Taking 1 damage and using a 1 cost event is extremely reasonable when you are readying a character like her. Sure the contingency of having to defeat a minion will certainly make it so that this card isn’t always viable, but it is a cheap way to reset your hero, and use those big stats again.
Number 2:

Zero cost makes this card an amazing value with Spider-Woman. The huge downside is that you have to exhaust your hero to defend against an attack. The upside is if you had a great turn and managed to pump all those stats sky high, this is a great way to get one last use out of those stats before the reset at the end of the round. It’s also possible that you would include other Protection cards that have the ability to ready your hero after defending.
Number 3:

This is a card that I’m not really a fan of in most decks, but this hero makes it viable. Providing an additional plus 1 to all stats for being an aspect card is what makes it better here for me. That and the fact that you are probably going to be actively trying to find ways to ready Spider-Woman so that you can put those boosted stats to work again.
Number 4:

This one is a little outside of what most people will be trying to use. I simply love the fact that you can add an additional 2 to her already bumped defense stat. This will make it so that there’s almost no way she could possibly take damage in the majority of situations, and would guarantee the trigger of readying her. The big problem with this card is that you have to use it in the villain phase. That means you won’t replenish this card or the one you payed for it with before your next hero phase. This definitely could impact how well you are able to bolster her stats that turn. Now if she has a resource generating card or 2 in her signature set this card becomes way more.
Number 5:

This is just a really solid card in most decks. The 1 cost for 2 damage is a good value and the fact that you can get 1 card back is great. It’s a cheap event that can get you another aspect card potentially for more stat boosting. Another utility effect of this card for Spider-Woman is the ability to remove a stun status card so that you will later in the round be able to use your basic attack. Since her stats are potentially so high she will likely have a vulnerability to stun and confuse more so than other heroes.
Well that does it. Again these are just 5 cards I’m excited to see work with this hero. There are plenty of great combos out there from her ability to mix aspects, but these 5 specifically work with her stat boosting effect. As always, if you are interested in more content please stay tuned here for more articles, as well as checking out The Side Scheme on FB, YouTube, Twitch, Patreon, and wherever you listen to Podcasts. I’m Tommy of Titan ominously drifting into the shadows.