by BananaCrapshoot
Hello Champions! We are continuing the Plan of Attack series moving into the last core set villain Ultron. This is by far the hardest encounter of the core set and he offers some unique challenges for players. Let’s dive in.
Starting with Ultron, he has a high health pool, a strong attack, good scheme values and a nasty ability with a just as nasty encounter deck. His abikity revolves around creating drones when he attacks you.

One good strategy is, like every other villain in the core set, stunning the villain. If Ultron is stunned during stages 1 and 2 he won’t create drones.
Another thing to make sure you have with you is access to retaliate or AoE damage sources. Being able to easily handle drones before they overwhelm you is a huge factor in dealing with Ultron. And since Ultron has the highest health pool you have seen to this point, it’s important you are bringing enough damage to the table to burst Ultron down once you get drones under control.

Ultron also brings a unique main scheme 3 which you cannot remove threat from so while we are dealing with Ultron and his drones you can’t neglect the main scheme or you will quickly realize you are on the wrong side of final countdown.
That’s it really, hope this helps and as always stay scheming champions. Thanks again to hall of heroes where I snagged images.