by BananaCrapshoot
Hello Champions, it has been far too long but the side scheme returns with a new article series. Plan of Attack aims to be a scenario strategy series going through the scenarios in the game and strategies to deal with them in solo and multiplayer situations. We are starting right at the beginning with Rhino.

Rhino is very straightforward but can surprise new players, especially those playing solo. Rhino only has one main scheme with a fairly low threat threshold. If that is hit you instantly lose. His other big thing are the cards that buff his attack and give him overkill.

For the main scheme in solo it’s important to stay on your hero side as much as possible to mitigate the amount of threat rhino can put on the main scheme. Another strategy is playing justice or ally heavy decks to manage threat for your hero. In multiplayer it’s not as bad since his thwart potential is rather low, you don’t need to worry about the surprise threat out loss.

To deal with his potentially big attacks, having access to tough and Allies in play to eat a big chunk of the damage is important, especially for heroes with 10 health or below. His recommended set up comes with a minimal minion count so that’s largely a minimal factor in his games.
Other than those few tech pieces Rhino is very straightforward, he breaks things and takes things. Let’s stop him in his tracks and get him to the raft asap.
Stay scheming champions! And we will see you on the next Plan of Attack! I’d also like to shoutout Hall of Heroes which is where I pulled the card images