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Tier List 1.5

Writer's picture: thesideschemethesidescheme

Welcome back Champions! It is I, Tommy of Titan, back again to give you an update on our tier list of heroes and their signature sets. It’s been quite a while since we last had a tier list article and that’s mostly because there hasn’t been a lot added to the heroes or aspect cards lately due to product delays, and pandemics. Now we have finally gotten Black Widow, and her pack of Justice cards in the US, and Doctor Strange has been releases in the EU, as well as AUS. That means for the purposes of this article we will be accounting for all of the cards up to, and including the Doctor Strange hero pack.

Before we dive head first into our tier lists, I’d like to take a quick look at what factors go into deciding where to place a hero, and what may have changed in the landscape to cause a hero to move up or down a list. There hasn’t been any new encounter sets so that’s not a factor for this article. We have received a number of new aspect cards though. Some of these cards work better with certain heroes than others. This may cause us to view a hero in a new light.

So let’s dive in.

S Tier: This tier is reserved for the best of the best, and should never really have too many heroes in it. This is for any hero that is so powerful that you can plug them into any aspect and they will still shine.

Captain America: Still here and probably will be for a while. This hero is extremely versatile and his 15 are way above the curve. He can be extremely potent in solo and multiplayer games.

Doctor Strange: I have been fortunate enough to acquire a Doctor Strange pack early, and boy he did not disappoint me. His 15 are amazing and his Invocation deck is so powerful he almost seems playable even if you barely played any aspect cards throughout the game. The Seven Rings of Raggadorr might be the highest value card in the game by a large margin.

A Tier: This is still some of the most amazing heroes in the game, and some can be argued that they are in fact S tier (Iron Man). All of these heroes should work well with most aspects and can perform in both solo and multiplayer.

Iron Man: While he takes a while to setup sure, he can reach places that very few other heroes can. He is capable of having massive thwarting, and damage turns once his suit is built, with an alarming amount of frequency. As more tech upgrades and synergy release there’s no doubt this hero has the potential to move up to S tier, and quite frankly, I may be selling him short by placing him here.

Captain Marvel: While she has similar reach to Iron Man, I think this character’s real strength is her ability to draw cards for the team. I still think she is one of the best heroes to pair with Leadership, and is flexible enough to play in most aspects.

Black Widow: Another new kid on the block, but wow has she made an impression with me. The few games that I’ve put her on the table have been extremely impressive. She has the ability to really build a great, versatile board. Her two major downsides are her low health pool, and the absolutely insane nemesis.

B Tier: These are heroes that can absolutely compete and contribute, but don’t end up carrying the team as often. They may excel in one aspect and be good in others but lack the ability to be great in all areas.

Spider-man: This hero has moved from A to B for me really due to the addition of heroic mode. While I still think he is an amazing hero, I think he lacks the ability to really push hard and finish. Outside of his 3 Swinging Web Kicks he lacks any real damage potential. He also doesn’t have any ability to control threat unless there are minions that you can find a way to defeat. This hero is versatile and solid but I think he is a step behind A tier.

Black Panther: While I think there is a case to be made for Black Panther moving up to A, I feel like he really doesn’t excel in all aspects. We have had great success with an Aggression Black Panther build and I think it has some amazing reach, but I don’t think he has the ability to be as impactful in all aspects.

MS Marvel: Another hero with a ton of potential, but the real thing that causes me to place her in the B tier is her consistency, and skill cap. There is certainly an order, and sequence to which you need to trigger her abilities to get the most out of this hero. The other factor to consider is the need to get her persona cards as early as possible to really fuel her engine. I personally find this character extremely rewarding to play, but overall less consistent than others.

C Tier: This tier is for heroes that have an extreme nuance to their play style or Kit. While they don’t consistently perform up to the standards of the other tiers, players that know how to play them will be able to find the right combination of cards to really make them sing. These heroes also my be more matchup dependent.

Thor: It pains me to drop this hero down to this level, but the fact of the matter is that you need minions to come out frequently for this hero to work well. This sets him back because while he is quite good at handling the minion, they are still something that requires resources to eliminate. Knowing the ins and outs of this hero are a must for him to succeed at the higher difficulties.

She-Hulk: My opinion of this hero has not changed much. I do think she has some great synergy with the new tools from the Widow pack though. Overall her kit is still a full step behind most of the other heroes in the game. Again though, this does not mean that this hero will not work. It merely means you need to work harder, and understand this hero better to reach the same peaks as other heroes.

Finally, let’s take a look at BananaCrapshoot’s ranking.

S- Captain America, Doctor Strange

A- Black Panther, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain Marvel

B- Ms Marvel, Spider-Man

C- She-Hulk, Thor

As always, I’m so grateful you made it this far in the article. We would love to hear your opinions and open up a discussion as well so feel free to tell us where your opinions differ. Again, if you are interested in more content please stay tuned here for more articles, as well as checking out The Side Scheme on FB, YouTube, Twitch, Patreon, and wherever you listen to Podcasts. I’m Tommy of Titan ominously drifting into the shadows.

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