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The Sorcerer Supreme Part 2

Writer's picture: thesideschemethesidescheme

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

I’m back again to talk about the rest of the spoilers from the Doctor Strange Hero pack! Wow are they exciting! Not only do we have more spoilers from the Protection aspect but we now know every card in the Invocation deck as well as every card in Doctor Strange’s set of 15 cards. Honestly (and I’m not just saying this. Ask my friends they’ll tell you) I haven’t been this excited for anything in any game for a long long time!

Now I know we got a bunch more Protection cards but since I tend to ramble when I’m excited, we are gonna keep this article focused on the Invocation cards and Hero set cards that I didn’t go over in the first article. If you haven’t seen that one feel free to check it out here if you have time

Let’s start with the Invocation deck again. We got two new cards since the last article and they round out the set of 5. Images of Ikonn is a 1 cost event that is pretty straight forward, confuse the villain and remove 4 threat from a scheme. Again we see a card that is pure value and way above the normal curve. Not flashy but wow. The next card I wasn’t blown away by when I first read it but after thinking about it for a minute I realized it might be the strongest card in the set of 5. The Seven Rings of Raggadorr is more than just a mouth full. It’s a 1 cost event that gives up to 3 characters a tough status card. This card is gonna prevent so much damage I don’t even know how to begin to calculate its value. The only comparison I can draw is with that of an ally. Allies are great, they come into the game and do some damage or remove some threat, but they also soak that one big attack and let one of the heroes off the hook for that round. That’s the real value that most allies bring in my opinion. In a lot of situations playing an ally strictly as a blocker is perfectly fine. In this case you are exhausting a hero and using 1 card from hand to basically cancel 3 attacks. If you don’t think this card is absolutely bonkers we can’t be friends anymore.

Moving right along to the set of 15 for the good Doctor. We now know due to some scandalous leaks exactly how many of each card is in the set. In the first article we went over Astral Projection and Master of the Mystic Arts. There are 2 of each of these cards in the set which is great news because they are both great. We also talked about the Cloak of Levitation but we knew that would be a one of since it is unique. Now for the new stuff!

Wong is a 3 cost ally with 1 THW 2 ATK and 3 health. He has an action to exhaust and can either heal 1 from Doc or cycle the top card of the Invocation deck. It’s important to note that he does not take any consequential damage from this action so he may remain on the table for a long time. Finding the right Invocation card can be very useful and he’s a great target for a tough status card! This guy can really do so many different things for you.

Next is Magic Blast and there are 2 in the set. It’s a 3 cost event that has the same ability that his nemesis has. When you play it the card does 5 damage. In addition you discard the top card of the deck and it does 2 damage, stuns, confuses, or all of the above. Admittedly this is much less reliable than say Cap’s Heroic Strike but it’s still a powerful card and definitely not one you will feel bad playing.

Mystical Studies is a 1 cost event that allows you to tutor any card from Doctor Strange’s set to your hand from the deck or even the discard. I know I’ll be using this to find the Cloak of Levitation more often than not. It is very important to remember that this is an Alter-Ego action though and I’m not as high on being in Alter-Ego as often as some other players. Still a solid card overall.

Protective Ward is another card that has 2 copies in the set. It’s a 1 cost event that cancels a Treachery card. Can’t ask for much more than that! This is amazing.

Up next we have Sanctum Sanctorum which is a pretty standard style of card with a slight variation. It’s an Alter-Ego action that allows you to pull a spell from your discard pile and shuffle it back into your deck. You also draw a card. It’s a solid card for 1 cost but I don’t see myself triggering it often unless I play it very early and am forced into Alter-Ego form.

Magical Enhancements is a card that there are 2 of in his set. To me this is probably the weakest card in the set. It’s a 1 cost upgrade that gives a +1 to all 3 stats of any hero but has to be discarded at the end of the round. I mean sure it’s fine played on a character that will ready like Cap but it’s still not a great value until you play it on a character that can ready twice in a round. I don’t see myself playing this one often.

The final card for us to go over today is perhaps his most iconic card of all. The Eye of Agamotto is a 2 cost unique upgrade that can be exhausted to provide a wild resource while in hero form. It’s a great card to see early to help you setup and is very much needed by this set of cards since there isn’t a ton of resource generation or draw to help off set the costs of bigger cards.

Overall I would say this is one of the most well rounded characters I’ve seen in the game to date. Keep in mind I haven’t yet put him on the table and this is all theory. The one weakness that sticks out to me from all of the cards we’ve seen is that he might have a problem dealing with a bunch minions on the table at once. None of his cards do damage to multiple places and his defensive tricks mostly apply to blocking 1 big attack. You may be able to find answers to these problems in the aspects you choose to play him in though.

So that about does it! I for one, am so excited to play Doctor Strange. I plan on trying him with Protection first but I’m positive he will be great in multiple aspects. I’d love to hear your thoughts too so if you have anything to share please leave a comment below. Please don’t forget to check out the Side Scheme podcast, website, Twitch, YouTube and Facebook if you are enjoying what you see here! Thanks again! This is Tommy of Titan signing off.

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Mar 16, 2020

You can find all of the Protection spoilers to date on


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