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The Hero's Journey part 2

Writer's picture: thesideschemethesidescheme

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Hello Champions, today we will be looking at the second hero in the series going over, reviewing, breaking down, and grading the 15 cards of one of our heroes. Today I will be looking at Captain Marvel.

First card up in Captain Marvel's hero deck is Spider-Woman. It is worth noting this ally has the Avenger trait, which is very relevan, especially in Leadership decks. The 2 health is low, for 3 resources and 2 cards you get 4 thwart or 4 attack which is below curve, you do however get to confuse the villain when she enters play. This is important because there are other cards more beneficial when Carol is in AE mode. She also generates a wild resource. Ok ally overall.

Next up for our hero is Crisis Interdiction. Overall I feel this card is just ok, it helps clear side schemes if you have aerial. Without aerial you don't ever want to play this I don't think. For what its worth, you wont have aerial that often.

Photonic Blast is a really really good card. It costs 3 resources for 5 damage but if you use the energy resource to pay for it, it draws a card. Its like a refund, or shopping at Aldi's. 5 damage is nothing to sniff at and there are 3 of these in the Captain Marvel hero deck.

This card is incredibly powerful, its insane it was printed but it is very thematic to the character. Generating 3 resources is nuts from one card. I'm still dumbfounded this thing exists, I will say without it her overall suite is much weaker. This card is great fuel for a card we will touch on later. There are 2 of these in the deck.

A one cost support that cycles cards and has the potential to go +1 is very strong. The only downside is to get the +1 you have to be in AE mode. This card is very cheap and pays for itself almost immediately. Helps you dig through your deck to establish your board for late game blowout turns.

This is a pretty basic upgrade to buff defense. Nothing really noteworthy to say here. In my opinion its the weakest card in her set. Captain Marvel has two copies of one card that give her aeial and most of the time that card isnt staying on the board.

This card gives Carol aerial which is a nice touch, I guess, and buffs the helmet. This card is just a meat shield, extra survivability is always good.

This card is insane, this is the reason you play Captain Marvel. It is also the reason she has the 2 cards that generate 3 energy resources. Most of the time you are dealing 10 damage with this power, theres two of them in the deck and with her card draw/cycling you should be able to get to these regularly.

That's it for this overview, it was a shorter one because most of the cards are pretty cut and dry and honestly other than Energy Absorption, Energy Channel, and Photonic Blast, this suite is lacking IMO. Overall I think Black Panther has a better overall package to work with.

Time for our grades:

BananaCrapshoot- 4

Tommy of Titan- 4.3

Tommy likes her suite of 15 more than I do. Overall she has 3 cards I look for and want to play, the others are fine being discarded for resources. Just a reminder this article series is looking at the 15 signature hero cards, not the identity itself.

Thanks for reading the article. Thanks for all the support The Side Scheme has received this far. We look forward to putting out more quality stuff for people to enjoy. For Tommy of Titan, I'm BananaCrapshoot, stay scheming Champions.


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