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Scheme League Season 2 Finale

Welcome back Champions! It is I, Tommy of Titan, back to talk about our second season of our draft league. We were fortunate enough to have 12 competitors participate in this season. We decided as a group to divide the league into 2 divisions and each of those divisions had their own draft.

This is how the divisions and drafts for each of them went.

Doom Division:

1. BananaCrapshoot, Captain America, Black Panther, Aggression, and Justice

2. ScottE, Captain Marvel, Aggression, Black Panther, and Protection

3. Vardaen, IRon Man, Ms Marvel, Protection, and Justice

4. JohnEwils, Captain America, Leadership, Iron Man, and Protection

5. Inception, Captain Marvel, Leadership, Aggression, and Thor

6. KennedyHawk Leadership, Spidey, Thor, and Justice

Titan Division:

1. Tommy of Titan, Iron Man, Protection, Aggression, and Black Panther

2. Amerikano, Captain America, Leadership, Aggression, and Thor

3. Drop it like it’s Hutt, Captain Marvel, Leadership, Protection, and Spidey

4. Conspiracy, Captain America, Leadership, Captain Marvel, and Justice

5. DHaus, BLack Panther, Aggression, Spidey, and Justice

6. JustJack, Iron Man, Protection, Thor, and Justice

This is the schedule we all played and the results for each player.


Rhino Heroic 1 with Goblin Gimmicks

Risky Business Heroic 1 with A Mess of Things

Mutagen Formula Expert with Doomsday Chair

Doom Division Records:

1. BananaCrapshoot 3-0

2. ScottE 2-1

3. Vardaen 2-1

4. JohnEwils 1-2

5. Inception 0-3

6. KennedyHawk 2-1

Titan Division Records:

1. Tommy of Titan 1-2

2. Amerikano 2-1

3. Drop it like it’s Hutt 2-1

4. Conspiracy 2-1

5. DHaus 3-0

6. JustJack 2-1

As you can see there was 1 undefeated player from each division. Banana and DHaus would have to battle it out in a tie breaker game. This is the game we chose and how we broke the tie.

Tie breaker game: Expert Ultron with Goblin Gimmicks

Win tie breakers:

1: number of rounds the game lasted

2: amount of threat on scheme (if on stage of scheme other than first add previous scheme thresholds)

Loss tie breakers:

1: amount of health the villain has remaining.

2: number of rounds the game lasted

As the dust settled we had both players defeating Ultron but one was able to do it in fewer rounds. DHaus beat it in 10 rounds and our fearless leader BananaCrapshoot was able to beat the robot monstrosity in just 7 rounds! I found it very interesting that both of these players used Black Panther aggression too.

In conclusion I’d like to thank everyone that competed and congratulate DHaus and BananaCrapshoot on their amazing performances. I hope that this helps you all organize new ways for you and your friends to play the game, and interact, or to join us for our next season! As always, if you are interested in more content please stay tuned here for more articles, as well as checking out The Side Scheme on FB, YouTube, Twitch, Patreon, and wherever you listen to Podcasts. I’m Tommy of Titan ominously drifting into the shadows.

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