Welcome back Champions! Tommy of Titan, back to continue my solo deck series where we take a look at some of my solo deck lists. Today we are going to look at my favorite hero to play, Black Panther. He is a hero that can play effectively in all aspects but today we are going to be looking at a Black Panther Aggression deck.
Since the release of the Thor expansion pack, Aggression has been one of my favorite aspects to build with. Now that we have expanded that aspect I feel like it now has a few more ways you can build with it. After seeing all of those new shiny tricks I started to look at how they might work with each hero. Immediately Black Panther jumped out for obvious reasons. Mean Swing is one of the best cards released in the aspect to date, and Black Panther has the ability to have more weapons in his deck than any other hero. Between that, and his setup ability to guarantee that you can grab a weapon, you know you’ll have one when you need it. Let’s take a look at the list before we go any further.
The first thing you might notice about this list is that there are an abundance of upgrades and supports. That’s intentional. Lots of players have been playing Black Panther in decks similar to this for a while now but I’ll explain why briefly. The main reason you pack your deck with cards that can stick to the table is to help you get back to your Wakanda Forevers faster. The cheaper the card, the better. One cycle through the deck and hopefully you can jam down a bunch of these bad boys. Why try and get back to Wakanda Forever you might ask? Well, that’s because when all four of your signature upgrades are on the table there is no better values event in the game. Not only can it deal big single target damage, but it can deal with swarms, heal you, and even remove threat. That level of versatility is hard to find in other hero decks. The big downside is the setup to get these upgrades in play. That’s one of the reasons Mean Swing is really great. It can help fill that gap between the beginning of the game and the point when you are setup. The fact that it’s a zero cost also helps you play his upgrades without having to spend resources in Mean Swing.
In conjunction with thinning your deck, you will hopefully be able to use Golden City, Hall of Heroes, and Avenger’s Mansion to help you dig a little deeper for those amazing events. Of course, you have to be in Alter-Ego to use some of these supports and you can’t use Hero Actions while in Alter-Ego form so you may have to hold onto a Wakanda Forever for the next turn. You will however, be able to dig again with Golden City or Hall of Heroes at the beginning of the following turn. It’s important that you time flipping to Alter-Ego just right since removing threat is not one of your strengths. Allowing the Villain to scheme is not something you want to allow them to do often, but there is some serious upside if the right supports are on the table.
Another area of the deck that you may have questions about is the allies I’ve chosen to include. Now admittedly, the allies you choose to include in a deck very much will represent your play style and may even change drastically to accommodate the encounter you are about to face. The ones I’ve chosen here are based solely on my personal preference. Hercules offers amazing value once there are 2 or more allies on the table. Hulk is in there primarily as a blocker, but if I realize that most of my mental resources are on the table or in the discard I will attack with him. Lockjaw is great value from the discard when I draw a bunch of Vibranium and have nothing else to play. Mockingbird goes in every solo deck in my opinion because stun is OP in solo play. Finally Valkyrie is a solid attacker with some potential splash damage. I have chosen to include 6 allies because you will definitely need some blockers throughout the course of the game and they can stay on the table for multiple rounds.
That covers most of the decisions I made when building this specific deck. If you have any questions please feel free to comment. I’d love to hear from you. Also please let me know if you get a chance to play it and how it goes for you. As always, if you are interested in more content please stay tuned here for more articles, as well as checking out The Side Scheme on FB, YouTube, Twitch, Patreon, and wherever you listen to Podcasts. I’m Tommy of Titan ominously drifting into the shadows.