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High Fives: Justice

Writer's picture: thesideschemethesidescheme

What’s up Champions, in today’s article I wanted to revisit High Fives since Black Widow is out and we have a bunch more Justice cards in the pool. For those that don’t know my High Fives is my personal favorite 5 cards on whatever the subject is, today that’s Justice.

First up is For Justice, This is one of the most efficient thwart card getting 2 thwart/resource. The curve is closer to 1.5 thwart/resource. So even without paying the kicker cost it’s still on curve. I generally run 3-10 Aspect/basic events in my decks and For Justice is always a 3 of.

Jessica Jones was good out of the core box but got even better with expansion. Green Goblin, both scenarios have multiple side schemes and The Wrecking Crew starts with 4. She’s just straight value and her ability is in play more often than it’s not. Even expert Rhino and Klaw start with side schemes in play. Best Justice ally.

Up next is concussive blow, this is another 3x event in all my Justice decks. This one is good because it’s a damage event, which is what Justice lacked until recently, and it confuses. We often lose to scheme more than being killed off, so any time you can confuse the enemy you should do it.

This card is great for the same reason Jessica Jones is with one caveat. This card doesn’t work against them wrecking crew. Sorry but it doesn’t. Otherwise this thing has been very good for me in Expert and Heroic encounters, it thins the deck and gives Justice a super efficient damage dealing card. It’s awesome, just not vs Wrecking Crew.

Lastly is a new ally Quake. This is the ally Justice has been wanting. She’s cheap and efficient, and helps out with dmg vs minion swarms like Mutagen Formula and Expert/Heroic encounters where you generally see more minions. Ideally she gets honorary avengers to buff her health and mist let her do her thing. Great ally.

Thats it for this one, these are generally short and swheet. Thanks for stopping by. Please check out the rest of our articles, our YouTube channel and of course, our podcast. I’m BananaCrapshoo, stay scheming champions!

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