what’s up champions?! BananaCrapshoot back after a short break to bring another High Fives installment, this edition will be ranking my 5 favorite aggression allies. Hope you enjoy.
A core set gem, Tigra is just as she was when the game came out, in minion heavy scenarios she can stay on the board most if not the whole game and she gives you a lot of great value
This guy right here has 5 health at 3 cost and he gets to help handle threat which is Aggression’s biggest issue in solo play, when he came out he really smoothed out the aggro threat game and he’s still super solid.
Wasp is a little more niche since you have to pay specific resources for her, but a 3 health 3 atk ally is a nice bear stick, she’s more build around than the other allies in this list but she’s so good when you do that she has to be here.
Here we get a 3 health 2 atk ally for a minion! Which as an aggro player probably helps you more than hurts you. Angela is just super good.
Bug is another of the build around allies, he requires your aggro deck to be very basic attack focused, if you have a more event focused deck then it’s hard to get as much value out of him. But he is a thwart machine, and that’s why I have him as my highest aggression ally.
That’s it for this one, thanks for stopping by and stay scheming champions.